Knowing what makes a person tick requires a look at their parental make-up and that’s where today’s episode of “Bits of Bill” takes us. When dad’s mom is introduced to a senior official on the Pasadena police force, in a somewhat arresting manner, a story unfolds that pop has captured in three short tales. Below is an excerpt from the last one.
A sound from the kitchen jogged her memory, and she excused herself. She returned moments later, after having checked on the stew, and asked, “Have you made plans for supper, Chief McKenna?”
It seemed to Edith that there was touch of sadness in his smile. “Why, yes, as a matter fact I have, I’ll be dining at the Good Fellow’s Grill.’
Jason spoke up, “That’s where we had hamburgers, boy, they make good ones!”
Edith nodded. “I see, and you eat there regularly?”
“Yes…yes I do.”
“So it isn’t a special occasion…um, you aren’t expected by…someone?”
A quizzical smile touched his lips. “Not by prearrangement, no.”
“Then I will be terribly hurt if you don’t stay for supper!”
It was, in Edith’s estimation, a brazen display, but possibly excusable for its motivation: The empty longing and helpless need that had nearly driven her to her childish escapade with Officer Barnes, she had seen in Chief McKenna’s eyes.
Whether that had been the only impetus, it was a beginning; and, later, Edith was able to see that, under the circumstances, it had been perfectly proper. It had also been most rewarding.
Three years later, he was 56, she, 33; in the home of a justice of the peace, they were married. How much of the true, Wilbur McKenna, Edith ever met, we are not to know. What is known, is that Jason had a father that he idolized, a man he would come to love dearly, a father that loved him as his own. Edith no longer searching, had found peace with a man she would love for the rest of his life; and Will McKenna had found, in that love, and in returning it, a reason to, if not forget the past, live for the future.
As for the children of Edith and Wilbur… perhaps later.
Interesting that there was only one other child, Warren Dean, and he wrote the tale about my Uncle Jason and grandparents; Wilbur and Edith McIntyre.
Want to learn more? Here are some options that you might enjoy…
- Dig Deeper (Eight Lines Deep) in the first “Bits of Bill’ article.
- Dive Ahead – Check out other Topics on the blog.
- Delve On – Read the bio of my mom and dad, as penned by him