Tag Archives: American Civil War

A Tree’s Dirt

Trees have appeared in these pages before but today, in this QuotaBill post, one brings us a story, and perhaps, a lesson.

For several days the tree had been watching the men in gray digging into the earth, and piling rocks one on top of another.  She had seen them roll cannon into place behind the rocks, and knew, as did the other forest inhabitants, what was to take place.

The tree had seen it many times; and come to recognize it as the curse humankind had brought to their world.  As with the animals, the faces changed with each generation, but the species remained much the same, and always there was death… death for the humans… death for those of nature.

What the tree saw, during this excerpt from a short story set during the American Civil War, we still see far too often in our society; mankind’s failure to resolve issues, individually or culturally, without resorting to violence.

As I mentioned at the start of this post, trees have been featured here before and by following the links below, you’ll be directed back into the forest for a look at these stunning landmarks of the woodlands.

Save a Tree (an earlier QuotaBill post)

Facing Difficulties (first Graphically Said post)